Hutchison Family

Not many days go by at Pound Buddies without seeing a member of the Hutchison family walking a shelter dog, swinging a hammer, or welcoming a pup in need into their home. Greg, Cindy, Jen, BJ and Heather have dedicated many hours, for many years, to ensuring Pound Buddies’ dogs and cats have the best while they reside at the shelter.

Cindy and BJ began at our Keating location, cleaning the cramped kennels and getting dogs into the fresh air and sunshine. That’s when Dino, a sweet “chunky monkey”, but very handsome pittie, went home with BJ.

From left to right: Brody, Oliver, & Dino


From left to right: Mya & Petey


Mya, who was destined to become a therapy dog at Mercy Health, and Pete, a shy and terrified overlooked pup, went home with Cindy.

Over the years, these Hutchison pups were followed by Brody, Ellie, Lincoln and Bruno, who is currently a Hutchison foster.

From left to right: Brody & Ellie

Heather single-handedly used her creative talent to produce materials for the campaign to build the new Laketon shelter. Greg put his engineering expertise to work, and along with Cindy, Jen, and BJ, built the catios. Now our shelter kitties can also enjoy an outdoor experience here at Laketon shelter.

It goes without saying that the Hutchison family has saved many lives of shelter animals through adoption, advocacy, and dedication. We could not be more grateful or proud to call them members of the Pound Buddies’ family! 

(See Cindy Hutchison in our Campaign Video!)


Trooper’s Story