
Join us in our efforts to take care of these little buddies until they find their forever family! Learn more about the different ways you can partner with us!

And to all of our current volunteers…

Thank you!!

  • Foster Buddy

    Interested in hosting a furry friend for a time?

  • Dog Walking Program

    Get exercise with some eager pups!

  • Project/Maintenance Volunteer

    Work to complete projects & maintain our facility.

Volunteer Spotlight | Liz Danigelis

Meet Liz Danigelis, volunteer extraordinaire and one of Pound Buddies’ biggest cheerleaders. Liz has a true “servant heart” and never skips a beat when she sees a need she can fulfill. Liz promotes volunteerism every day and encourages other like-minded individuals to help at Pound Buddies.

“Lizzie” can often be heard talking with the kitties as she cleans the cat colony rooms and she is never too busy to stop for a cuddle-and it shows…our feline fur-babies absolutely love her! Liz has also been very instrumental in finding many shelter kitties new adoptive homes.

She makes sure the front lobby is always welcoming to people who visit, and she’s forever thinking of ways to make improvements-and then follows through by implementing them!

What would we have done for the past several months without Liz? She’s a wonderful gift to Pound Buddies and we can’t thank her enough for her commitment and dedication!